Online50 at Accountex

Once again Online50 Limited are exhibiting at Accountex the UK's only national exhibition for accountants and finance directors, working in practice, business and the public sector.

Online50 have been at the fore-front of enabling Accountants to use the cloud effectively for more than a decade — since before anyone called it the Cloud.  At Accountex you can discover how our services can help your business both operationally and in terms of service delivery.

Collected Expertise

At the Online50 stand (A650) the Online50 team will be joined by a number of our partner organisations to provide visitors with a helpful source of expertise.  We will be joined by:

  • SAP: SAP Business One
  • DocManager: DocLink
  • Aspidistra: Shopfront integrated eCommerce
  • Software Sculptors: Flightdeck CRM

We all look forward to seeing you at the event!

Educational Workshops

Our founder and CEO, Rob Lambden, has agreed to provide two educational workshops at the show.  Last year's talks proved popular, with the educational seminars being one of the main reasons for visiting the show.

The Cloud Conundrum - Buying Cloud and Avoiding Vapour Ware

15:00 Wednesday 13/05/2015 in the CIMA Accountants in Business Theatre

Cloud Computing veteran Rob Lambden can remember when selling “vapour ware” was a common practice that brought the IT profession into disrepute.  Many people have bought into the promise of Cloud Computing, but have they actually received what they expected or did they buy “vapour”?  The Cloud Computing paradigm promises much, this seminar can help you ensure it holds to its promise, and doesn`t hold you to ransom.

Seven Warning Signs of Inadequate Business Software

14:00 Thursday 14/05/2015 in the CIMA Accountants in Business Theatre

Can you spot the tell-tale signs of inadequate business software?  Rob Lambden points out seven warning signs that business systems are not meeting a company's needs.  He provides five reasons why people put up with this, points out three possible outcomes and shows how to help those afflicted.  Whether you want the information for yourself or for a client, this seminar equips you to identify and tackle the problem.

Stand A650

At our stand (A650) the team will be highlighting a number of tools unique to Online50 that make it possible to work more efficiently as an accounting or bookkeeping bureau.

In addition, we will be profiling our newest offering which offers companies the opportunity to replicate their business IT in the Cloud – a service we call Cloudsourced.IT.  Online50 Limited offers broadband connections uniquely customised to supporting businesses in the Cloud as well as high quality Cloud oriented telephony solutions.

Visit Us

If you plan to attend the event at ExCeL London on either the 13th or 14th May we would love to greet you in person.  We look forward to seeing you at stand A650.