Online50 at Accountex

Online50 Limited are exhibiting at Accountex the UK's only national exhibition for accountants and finance directors working in practice, business and the public sector.

Educational Workshops

Our founder and CEO, Rob Lambden, has agreed to provide two educational workshops at the show.

In one, he will consider how the rise of cloud is changing the way clients expect to consume business services from their accountants and how accountants can take advantage of this.

In the second, he will consider the questions can cloud computing really increase productivity and reduce costs, and what happens if the Internet fails? He will highlight real examples of how companies are benefiting from embracing the cloud.

Stand A250

At our stand (A250) the team will be highlighting a number of tools unique to Online50 that make it possible to work more efficiently as an accounting or bookkeeping bureau.

In addition, we will be profiling our newest offering which offers companies the opportunity to replicate their business IT in the Cloud – a service we call Cloudsourced.IT.  Online50 Limited offers broadband connections uniquely customised to supporting businesses in the Cloud as well as high quality Cloud oriented telephony solutions.

Visit Us

If you or any of your users plan to attend the event at ExCeL London on either the 15th or 16th May we would love to greet you / them in person.  As a reminder we will be on stand A250.